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City of Heidelberg / Press Release
Apr 08, 2024

Observer / What Media Says
Apr 05, 2024

ArtReview / As Seen On
Apr 04, 2024

Stanislaus Yangni


A writer, art critics, photographer lives and works in Yogyakarta. She has studied at the Psychology faculty of Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, STF Driyarkara Jakarta, and Indonesian Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta. The fields she is in are arts, aesthetics, philosophy, travel and history. Her published book are Dari Khaos ke Khaosmos, Estetika Seni Rupa (Institut Seni Indonesia & Erupsi Akademia, 2012), Tiga Venus dan Tentang Seni Yang Enggan Selesai (Penerbit Nyala, 2019), Waria, Bahasa dan Dunia Malam (Penerbit Buku Baik, 2020). These books are nonfiction. Waria, Bahasa dan Dunia Malam is a book about transsexuals live and language, while the two other one is about aesthetics. In 2007-2009 she was a journalist at Visual Art Magazine, and a contributor at IndoArt&Lifestyle. She was one of the editor of book Seni, Perubahan, dan Politik (A collection of writings by FX. Harsono). Her writings have been published in exhibition catalogs, and newspapers such as Koran Tempo, Jakarta Post, Suara Pembaruan. She is an editor in chief at Mata Jendela, an art and culture magazine, based on Yogyakarta.


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