Illustrated by Nadiyah Rizki Suyatna
Format: Paperback, English
168 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9786020652566
Published May 08, 2021 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama
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A girl is born every hour.
Goodbye, says the mother.
Who are you? asks the father.
Every hour, a new curse is
unleashed upon the world.
Once upon a time, in a near yet far-off place, a child sprung into being. Her misadventures, mysterious and absurd, are recounted here as poems. Accompanied by black-and-white illustrations from award-winning artist Nadiyah Rizki S, Medusae is a reincarnation of the myths, legends, and folklore passed down over the past three centuries—from Lilith to the Queen of Hearts to Medusa, the famed Gorgon herself.
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