Format: Paperback, Indonesian
593 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9786022916758
Published Feb 01, 2020 by Bentang Pustaka
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The double-plot novel that centers on the life of the great painter Raden Saleh (1811-1880) and the Indonesian intellectuals of the early 20th century is a tragic story of how colonialism and racism let Indonesia’s creative and intellectual minds down in the pre-independence era.
The life and death of Raden Saleh is the anchor of the dual narrative, beginning with his artistic talents and interests emerging as a child and through the eventual expansion of his artistic abilities under his Dutch mentor, Antoine Auguste Joseph Payen.
— Sebastian Partogi in ‘Pangeran dari Timur’ chronicles the tragic life of Raden Saleh (Jakarta Post, Apr 26, 2020)
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