Format: Paperback, Indonesian
300 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9786020648453
Published Nov 01, 2020 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama
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Magi Diela was abducted and tamed like an animal. His dream of building Sumba has vanished. Now she must fight against her parents, the entire village, and customs that seek to snatch her independence as a woman. When culture imprisons the rebellious heart of Magi, she must choose her own hell: leaving her parents and homeland, surrendering to the watchful eyes, or deceiving her own death.
Perempuan yang Menangis kepada Bulan Hitam (Women Who Cry to the Black Moon) is written based on the experiences of many women who are victims of forced marriages in Sumba. The tradition of forced marriage shook Dian Purnomo’s heart to voice the cries of women that seem unheard even by God himself.
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