by Bobi Tuankotta
Format: Paperback, Indonesian
331 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9786238010202
Published Nov 01, 2022 by Langgam Pustaka
View on Goodreads | Google Books
Format: Paperback, Indonesian
331 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9786238010202
Published Nov 01, 2022 by Langgam Pustaka
View on Goodreads | Google Books
After a snake bit his lover dead in a small village in the Maluku Islands in the mid-nineteenth century, Boki Nia decided to live in seclusion deep in the forest, alone, until death took him. He spends the rest of his life passing the time by constructing a tower before the Hener Falls. After several centuries, a high school boy named Ta’imu has returned to his hometown for the first time and is in awe of the tower.
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