ANTARA/Vicki Febrianto/yas
In this article: Chairil Anwar Joko Pinurbo Sapardi Djoko Damono
Written by Yashinta Difa Pramudyani
Originally published in Antara.
Mar 22, 2020
Written by Yashinta Difa Pramudyani
Originally published in Antara.
Mar 22, 2020
Aku by Chairil Anwar is one of the Indonesian-language poems that are widely known across generations.
Some critics say the poem, written in 1943, emphasizes Anwar’s individualistic nature and vitality.
The 90s generation is probably familiar with this poem as it appears on Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? (What’s Up with Love?), a teen movie which marked the revival of Indonesian cinema in the early 2000s.
Read the full article here.