JP/Jerry Adiguna
In this article: Aan Mansyur
Written by Iwan Setiawan, and was originally published in Jakarta Post
May 03, 2016
Written by Iwan Setiawan, and was originally published in Jakarta Post
May 03, 2016
Writer Aan Mansyur exposed himself to literary books when he was very young and found his passion later in his life.
Love changed the path of time/Because of love time divided into two/With you and the longing to reverse the past….
That was a line of a poem read by Rangga (played by Nicholas Saputra) in the sequel to Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? (What’s Up With Cinta?). Back in 2002, the box office hit inspired youngsters to read poems. Teens wanted to be as cool as Rangga and Cinta, the iconic characters who shared a similar passion for poetry.
Read the full article here.