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City of Heidelberg / Press Release
Apr 08, 2024

Observer / What Media Says
Apr 05, 2024

ArtReview / As Seen On
Apr 04, 2024

Asef Saeful Anwar


After graduating from elementary school, Asef migrated to Yogyakarta to study the Koran at the Sunan Pandan Aran Islamic Boarding School, Sleman. In addition to actively writing poetry and short stories and conducting several types of research, Asef also often fills various discussion forums.

Asep’s works received awards, including; Persada Studi Klub in the Arena Sastra Indonesia (2015) as the top 5 best literary criticism books in 2020 by the Badan Bahasa, and the novel Alkudus (2017) won the Tama Prayojana award for the best literary book category in 2018 from the Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta, included in the top 7 prose recommended by Tempo Magazine in 2017. The short story collection Betapa Kita Masih Belum Beranjak dari Pertanyaan tentang Cinta (2019) won the Promising Writers 2020 award from the Banjarbaru Literary Festival.

The author of the poetry album Searah Jalan Pulang (2018) also collaborates with Niskala in a collection of poems entitled Kiat-Kiat Menyembuhkan Lara (2020) and, together with 16 alumni of Gadjah Mada University, published a collection of short stories entitled Wabah (2021).


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