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City of Heidelberg / Press Release
Apr 08, 2024

Observer / What Media Says
Apr 05, 2024

ArtReview / As Seen On
Apr 04, 2024

Niduparas Erlang


He writes stories, novels, essays, and journalism. His latest novel, Burung Kayu (The Wooden Bird, 2020) won the prestigious Khatulistiwa Literary Award in the year of its publication. His other books include the award-winning short story collections La Rangku (The Kite Prince, 2011) and Penanggung Tiga Butir Lada Hitam di Dalam Pusar (The One with Three Peppercorns in His Bellybutton, 2015). He runs the Aing Community, facilitates the interdisciplinary cultural heritage and arts center Banten Girang Laboratorium, and helps manage the Multatuli Art Festival, and is an Indonesian Literature Professor at Pamulang University.1

  1. Annie Tucker 

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