Format: Paperback, Indonesian
271 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9789791260909
Published Aug 01, 2019 by Marjin Kiri
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Hendri Yulius’ C*bul: Perbincangan Serius Tentang Seksualitas Kontemporer unveils the contemporary sexuality from the pornographic points of view. The content of the books itself is noteworthy because there are not so many non-fiction books that expose the issues on sexuality, pornography, and eroticism. The book itself begins its premise through an intriguing quote by Leo Bersani from his writing Receptive Bodies saying, “Does sex exist?”1
— Desca Angelianawati in Let’s talk about sex: ‘C*bul’ puts spotlight on porn (Jakarta Post, Mar 11, 2020)
— Desca Angelianawati in C*bul: Perbincangan Serius Tentang Seksualitas Kontemporer by Hendri Yulius (Personal Blog, Mar 06, 2020)
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