Format: Paperback, English
268 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /978-3-940132-80-2
Published Oct 01, 2015 by Regiospectra
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Indonesian women’s fiction has flourished since the beginning of the Reformasi Era in 1998. Who are the authors? What do they write about? What are the contexts of their writings?
This anthology offers a taste of this literary phenomenon by selecting nine stories, five author’s interviews, and five scholarly essays. It covers a variety of genres and themes, from social realism to gothic mystery to romance, from gender and sexuality to political satire to Islamic piety.
Indonesian Women Writers is a must read for students and scholars of Indonesian and Southeast Asian studies as well as a general audience with an interest in contemporary fiction.1
Table of Content
Indonesian Women’s Writing: From Invisibility into the Limelight
Melani Budianta and Yvonne Michalik
Excerpts from”Banal Asthetics and critical spiritualism: A Dialog of Photography & Literature in 13 Fragments“
Ayu Utami
Interview with Ayu Utami
by Yvonne Michalik, Melani Budianta and Martin Jankowski
The Leech (Lintah)
A short story from the book „They say I am an Monkey! (Mereka bilang saya Monyet!)“
Djenar Maesa Ayu
Interview with Djenar Maesa Ayu
by Yvonne Michalik and Melani Budianta
Spinner of Darkness (Pemintal Kegelapan)
Intan Paramaditha
Interview with Intan Paramaditha
by Melani Budianta and Yvonne Michalik
Brunch (Smokol)
Nukila Amal
Coffee and Tea (Teh dan Kopi)
Leila S. Chudori
The Devil’s Tree
A fragment from the novel “Tempurung”
Oka Rusmini
Interview with Oka Rusmini
by Melani Budianta
Lake (Danau)
A short story from Family room (Ruang Keluarga)
Lily Julianti Farid
Weeds (Rumput Liar)
Linda Christanty
Interview with Linda Christanty
by Melani Budianta and Yvonne Michalik
Cut Vi
Helvy Tiana Rosa
Emerging Women Writers in the Reformasi Period
Manneke Budiman
Indonesian Muslim Women Writers and Their Writings:
Women, Islam and Religious Identity
Diah Arimbi
The New Generation of Women Writers from the Pesantren Tradition in Indonesia
Nor Ismah
Lily Yulianti Farid, Feminist Geographer
Pamela Allen
The Transfer of Djenar Maesa Ayu’s Book They Say I Am a Monkey! (Mereka bilang saya Monyet!) into a Film – A Short Analysis of the Similarities and Differences
Yvonne Michalik
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