Format: Paperback, English
180 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9786025167959
Published Oct 01, 2021 by Simpul Aksara
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Her husband has his working room and she will have her wardrobe room back. She even circled the date when their younger daughter will leave the house to continue her study in a university out of town. She can’t wait any longer for the day to come, she even helps her daughter manage and pack her things. It’s not her usual of doing normal motherly things. She’s calm and collected, never talks in a demeaning manner but she is in high awareness to maintain the distance from her children. Not too close but not too far. She doesn’t want her children to depend on her. She sets them free.
— Kadek Sonia Piscayanti in Waking Up for The First Time To the World of Mindfulness (Tatkala, Dec 11, 2021)
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