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City of Heidelberg / Press Release
Apr 08, 2024

Observer / What Media Says
Apr 05, 2024

ArtReview / As Seen On
Apr 04, 2024

Agus Noor


Agus Noor writes poems, prose, as well as scripts for Sentilan Sentilun Metro TV that were adopted from his monologue script, Matinya Sang Kritikus. He has received several awards for his short-stories and has published several collections: Memorabilia (1999), Bapak Presiden yang Terhormat (2000), Selingkuh Itu Indah (2001), Rendezvous: Kisah Cinta yang Tak Setia (2004), Potongan Cerita di Kartu Pos (2006), Sebungkus Nasi dari Tuhan, Sepasang Mata Penari Telanjang, Matinya Toekang Kritik (2006), Sepotong Bibir Paling Indah di Dunia (2010).1

  1. MIWF2015 


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