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Jan 09, 2025
Donny Anggoro
WriterA writer, born in Jakarta, November 1975. Writing poetry, short stories, book review, cultural articles, edited numerous books and journalists. He was one of the founders, the first internet literary sites in Indonesia with his friend, poet Nanang Suryadi and Yono Wardito in 1999. His works were published in several journals, magazines, and newspapers such as Koran Tempo, Kompas,, Annida, The Jakarta Post, Jurnal Perempuan, Visual Arts, Gong, Matabaca, and Sinar Harapan.
Besides literature, his writings about the comics published in Indonesia important mass media such as The Jakarta Post, Matabaca, and Kompas. He also wrote film articles published in Movieland, F,, and
His books that have been published are: “Episode Anak Negeri” (collection of poems, Pustaka Indie, 2000),”Sastra yang Malas:Obrolan Sepintas Lalu” (literary essays, Tiga Serangkai Solo,2004), “…” dan Cerita-Cerita Lainnya (short stories,Jalasutra Jogja,2004),and novel “Chimera” (Jalasutra Jogja,2008).
In August 2002 he was invited as a participant in The International Society of Poet’s Convention and Symposium, Washington, DC after his English poem “In My Time” included in the anthology “Letters from the Soul” published by The International Library of Poetry, 2002. In September 2002 he was invited as a member of juror at Khatulistiwa Literary Award, one of the literary award in Indonesia. In August 2005 he won the essay writing contest “Mata dan Dunia” organized by Rayakultura web sites sponsored by Rohto eye drops with Sides Sudyarto DS and Naning Pranoto as the member of jurors. He became a guest editor in Tabloid SENIOR, published by Gramedia Group (November 2003-March 2004). In 2001 until 2005 he work as an editor in publisher Eksotika Karmawhibangga Indonesia (EKI) and Pustaka Tangga.
His drama “Halo?” written in 1999 made into a short film in September 2004 by students SMUN 9 Pekanbaru and student graduation ceremony staged for Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, June 2006.
Crafted by Donny Anggoro
Personal Blog / What Media Says
May 24, 2011
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